
Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Mengandungi Kollagen & enzim semulajadi yang baik untuk kulit dan diet seharian

Menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan kolestrol dalam badan

Membantu sistem penghadaman & meningkatkan metabolisma

Membantu masalah arthritis (Sakit Sendi) & mengeluarkan toksin dari badan

Merangsang Tenaga & membantu pemulihan keletihan

memperlahankan proses penuaan (AWET MUDA)


60pcs - RM33.00
120pcs - RM60.00

Cara Makan : 2 biji kapsul untuk 2 kali sehari

NOTE : Harga untuk pengedar adalah berbeza.

Sila PM inbox jika berminat.


Khasiat seaweed fiber drink :-

Seaweed Fiber Drink mengandungi komposisi dan adunan sempurna dan mengandungi
Vitamin & Mineral lengkap yang mungkin tidak didapati dalam hidangan seharian.

Membantu melambatkan proses penuaan supaya kelihatan lebih muda.

Melembabkan kulit secara semulajadi jika diminum berterusan.

Untuk kesegaran sepanjang hari serta meningkatkan metabolisme badan.

Rambut lebih kuat & bersinar & kuku lebih kuat & tidak mudah patah

Kulit wajah lebih cerah, halus & gebu.

Membantu proses penghadaman & Mengawal Berat Badan jika diambil secara teratur.

Membantu melangsingkan badan.


RM 49.90 / BOX (WEST M'SIA)
RM 54.90/ BOX (EAST M'SIA)

NOTE : harga untuk pengedar adalah berbeza.

1 box = 14gm x 15 sachets

1 ~ 2 paket sehari


Larutkan 1 sachet FIBRE DRINK kedalam 180ml air suam. Sedia untuk dihidang.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Benefits Of Seaweed

Organic seaweeds or sea birds nest contains nutrients that are very high for daily necessities.

It contains carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, iron, Collagen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, High Fiber and 64 natural minerals.

It is also highly beneficial to the child,
pregnant women, postmenopausal women, and vegetarian food lovers.

Organic Bird Nest Sea does not contain any chemicals, preservatives or dyes.

Among the benefits of seaweed is as follows:

- Provide energy and strengthens the body system.
- Strengthen bones and joints.
- Enhance cell cartilage and muscle.
- Treating gout.
- Prevent cancer
- Lowering high blood pressure.
- Treating Gastric.
- Anti-bacterial / fungal.
- Treating Anemia.
- Lowering cholesterol in the body.

- To absorb excess salt in the body (paralysis).
- Smoothing and tighten the skin and breast (anti aging).
- Conservation of dead skin cells (pimples).
- Accelerating the healing of wounds.
- Stabilize blood sugar (diabetes).
- Cleaning the body from free radical reactions.
- To provide satiety (diet).
- Improves metabolic system.
- Conservation of the small intestine. (Constipation).


Rumpai laut atau Organik sarang burung laut mengandungi Nutrien yang sangat tinggi untuk keperluan harian.

Ia mengandungi Karbohidrat, Protein, Enzim , Vitamin, Zat Besi ,Kolagen, Phosphorus, Potasium, Kalsium, Serat Tinggi dan 64 Mineral semulajadi.

Ia juga amat berkhasiat kepada golongan kanak-kanak,
wanita mengandung, wanita putus haid serta penggemar makanan vegetarian.

Organik Sarang Burung Laut Tidak Mengandungi apa jua bahan-bahan kimia ,Pengawet atau pewarna.

Diantara kebaikan rumpai laut adalah seperti berikut:

- Memberi tenaga dan menguatkan sistem tubuh.
- Menguatkan tulang dan sendi.
- Meningkatkan sel rawan dan otot.
- Merawat penyakit gaut.
- Mencegah kanser
- Menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi.
- Merawat Gastrik.
- Anti bakteria / kulat.
- Merawat Anemia.
- Menurunkan kolestrol dalam tubuh.

- Menyerap lebihan garam dalam tubuh(lumpuh).
- Melicin dan menegangkan kulit serta payu dara (anti penuaan).
- Memulihara sel-sel kulit mati (jerawat).
- Mempercepatkan penyembuhan luka.
- Menstabilkan kandungan gula dalam darah(kencing manis).
- Membersihkan tubuh dari reaksi radikal bebas.
- Memberi Kekenyangan(diet).
- Melancarkan sistem metabolisme.
- Memulihara usus kecil.(Sembelit).

Seaweed Products & Price


For those who are interested in becoming a distributor and retailer, please contact: -

Ms. INA 012- 7022088

Prices to distributors and retailers is different and will be discussed later.

The following are the market prices were determined: -


- RM 6.00 / 100gm for orders BELOW than 1kg.

- RM 5.80 / 100gm for orders More than 1kg.

Dried Seaweed
- RM 15:50 / 100gm for orders BELOW than 1kg / 10packs.

- RM 15.00 / 100gm for orders More than 1 kg / 10packs.


- RM 12.50 / 250gm for orders BELOW than 2.5kg / 10packs.

- RM 12.00 / 250gm for orders More than 2.5kg / 10packs

The above prices do not include delivery costs.
Shipping costs are free for the Johor Bahru only.


More about Seaweed "SEA BIRD NEST ORGANIC"

The seaweed known as sea birds nest Organic is best known by the people of China, Japan, Taiwan, Hawaii, Britain and the United States and Asia since thousands of years ago.

Seaweed is known to the west, the Hawaiian "plate", Britain's "purple laver" and parts of east Asia are called seaweeds are very high nutritional value is almost equal to the nest swiftlet.

Sea birds nest is a 100% growth (Halal) in the form of natural marine algae because it has no roots, stems and leaves.

Sea birds nest is perfectly normal in terms of its life in shallow sea floor.

Seaweed sea life requires a very clean, unpolluted sea and the waves are not strong.

The term herbicide is used in this flora, it is more accurately termed vegetables. Sea bird nests has huge potential and broad as the food (vegetarian & diet), medical, beauty industry and other industries.

(Sea birds nest in the pack is 100% natural from the sea, maybe it was a waste of salt and the smell of the sea)