
Monday, October 4, 2010

Benefits Of Seaweed

Organic seaweeds or sea birds nest contains nutrients that are very high for daily necessities.

It contains carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, iron, Collagen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, High Fiber and 64 natural minerals.

It is also highly beneficial to the child,
pregnant women, postmenopausal women, and vegetarian food lovers.

Organic Bird Nest Sea does not contain any chemicals, preservatives or dyes.

Among the benefits of seaweed is as follows:

- Provide energy and strengthens the body system.
- Strengthen bones and joints.
- Enhance cell cartilage and muscle.
- Treating gout.
- Prevent cancer
- Lowering high blood pressure.
- Treating Gastric.
- Anti-bacterial / fungal.
- Treating Anemia.
- Lowering cholesterol in the body.

- To absorb excess salt in the body (paralysis).
- Smoothing and tighten the skin and breast (anti aging).
- Conservation of dead skin cells (pimples).
- Accelerating the healing of wounds.
- Stabilize blood sugar (diabetes).
- Cleaning the body from free radical reactions.
- To provide satiety (diet).
- Improves metabolic system.
- Conservation of the small intestine. (Constipation).


Rumpai laut atau Organik sarang burung laut mengandungi Nutrien yang sangat tinggi untuk keperluan harian.

Ia mengandungi Karbohidrat, Protein, Enzim , Vitamin, Zat Besi ,Kolagen, Phosphorus, Potasium, Kalsium, Serat Tinggi dan 64 Mineral semulajadi.

Ia juga amat berkhasiat kepada golongan kanak-kanak,
wanita mengandung, wanita putus haid serta penggemar makanan vegetarian.

Organik Sarang Burung Laut Tidak Mengandungi apa jua bahan-bahan kimia ,Pengawet atau pewarna.

Diantara kebaikan rumpai laut adalah seperti berikut:

- Memberi tenaga dan menguatkan sistem tubuh.
- Menguatkan tulang dan sendi.
- Meningkatkan sel rawan dan otot.
- Merawat penyakit gaut.
- Mencegah kanser
- Menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi.
- Merawat Gastrik.
- Anti bakteria / kulat.
- Merawat Anemia.
- Menurunkan kolestrol dalam tubuh.

- Menyerap lebihan garam dalam tubuh(lumpuh).
- Melicin dan menegangkan kulit serta payu dara (anti penuaan).
- Memulihara sel-sel kulit mati (jerawat).
- Mempercepatkan penyembuhan luka.
- Menstabilkan kandungan gula dalam darah(kencing manis).
- Membersihkan tubuh dari reaksi radikal bebas.
- Memberi Kekenyangan(diet).
- Melancarkan sistem metabolisme.
- Memulihara usus kecil.(Sembelit).

Seaweed Products & Price


For those who are interested in becoming a distributor and retailer, please contact: -

Ms. INA 012- 7022088

Prices to distributors and retailers is different and will be discussed later.

The following are the market prices were determined: -


- RM 6.00 / 100gm for orders BELOW than 1kg.

- RM 5.80 / 100gm for orders More than 1kg.

Dried Seaweed
- RM 15:50 / 100gm for orders BELOW than 1kg / 10packs.

- RM 15.00 / 100gm for orders More than 1 kg / 10packs.


- RM 12.50 / 250gm for orders BELOW than 2.5kg / 10packs.

- RM 12.00 / 250gm for orders More than 2.5kg / 10packs

The above prices do not include delivery costs.
Shipping costs are free for the Johor Bahru only.


More about Seaweed "SEA BIRD NEST ORGANIC"

The seaweed known as sea birds nest Organic is best known by the people of China, Japan, Taiwan, Hawaii, Britain and the United States and Asia since thousands of years ago.

Seaweed is known to the west, the Hawaiian "plate", Britain's "purple laver" and parts of east Asia are called seaweeds are very high nutritional value is almost equal to the nest swiftlet.

Sea birds nest is a 100% growth (Halal) in the form of natural marine algae because it has no roots, stems and leaves.

Sea birds nest is perfectly normal in terms of its life in shallow sea floor.

Seaweed sea life requires a very clean, unpolluted sea and the waves are not strong.

The term herbicide is used in this flora, it is more accurately termed vegetables. Sea bird nests has huge potential and broad as the food (vegetarian & diet), medical, beauty industry and other industries.

(Sea birds nest in the pack is 100% natural from the sea, maybe it was a waste of salt and the smell of the sea)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Use Of Seaweed

Seaweed can be used and mixed a bit into whatever type of food and beverages such as soup, jelly, vegetable dishes, desserts and etc.

Organic Seaweed

Seaweed is rich in natural enzymes and Collagen like protein, minerals and vitamins. Its help in the digestion process & diffuse toxic elements, toxins and metabolic wastes.Also helping in Lowers blood pressure, prevent blood vessels blocking, prevent occurrence of cancer of the body and balance body pH.Its also will help to slow down the aging process with the nutrients vitamin E & vitamin B5 and refresh the skin.

Seaweed Nutritional Information


Dietary fiber - 25.5%

a) Soluble fiber - 18:25% - To,Carrageenan, Sulfated Xylans etc.

b) Not Soluble Fiber - 6.80% -Cellouse, Mannans.

Benefits & Applications:

Dissolved most effective fiber to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, it is appropriate to prevent heart disease. Dissolved fibers are also seen as a function of good food to prevent symptoms of sugar metabolism, is effective for preventing diabetes. While the effect of soluble fiber not usually speed up the movement of the digestive tract.

Solid fiber - 5.91%

As starch Floridean,Iso-Floridoside, Sorbitol.

Benefits & Applications:

Sorbitol is referred to as a sweetener because it provides energy diet 2.6 kilo calories (11 kilojoules /gram). It also serves to attract water into the colon to stimulate bowel movements and disposal of solid waste. Very useful for cleaning the intestines, especially the abdomen and stomach to prevent obesity.

Carbohydrates - 26.49%

Supplier of energy in the form of glucose, also resulted in a variety of vitamins A, C, B Complex, Folic Acid,E, and various types of enzymes to smooth the body functions human.

Benefits & Applications:

Retinol, Vitamin A is a group for eye health. Vitamin C is penganti-oxide for the prevention of infections and diseases attack. Vitamin E helps prevent oxidation of LDL (Low Density Lipo proteins) and the occurrence of blood clots. Vitamin E also helps theconstruction of prostaglandins, and hormones.

SALT electrolyte - 1.12%

Salt Electrolytes: Na, K, Ca and Mg, (ratio Na: K = 0.14)

Benefits& Applications:

Complete electrolyte salt,Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium is beneficial to the nervous system and muscle movement. Alzheimer's patients,Parkinson's should pay attention to the food. Similarly, those suffering from gout and down the Mile Reef, there is no water or alcohol that can chase uric acid, but only the electrolyte salts that can neutralize the uric acid quickly and inexpensively.

a) electric current flows through the electrolyte salt body is very important for all actions of the body through the nervous system.

b) It acts as a trigger and drive most of the nutrients. Most vitamins can not function without the salt.

c) Salt is a construct of other hormones and body chemistry.

d) pH and pressure of body fluids perfectly offset by the movement of salt.

e) Salt is essential for proper digestion and absorption of food.

f) Salt helps the body maintain balance of internal field.

g) Salt has the ability to recover the body, strengthen the nervous system, promote new hair growth,helping making the color pigment, recovery heart rate with a uniform, help control the sugar level in blood, improve immune system, energy supply,overcome fatigue, helps depression and help build a dynamic minute.h) Salt also helps protect the body from heavy metal pollution. Salt have specific functions but also many other functions are still unknown.

Micro minerals - 7:53%

Iron, Zinc, Copper, Selenium,chromium and Iodine, very important for the construction of new cells and strengthen the basis for the smooth body Tues.

Zinc is part of a multi-enzyme system. It is important to include acombination of DNA metabolism, function and reproductive organ growth, wound healing, metabolism of carbohydrates and protect from the effects of"disease genes.

Selenium is a very powerful anti-oxidants. It is known to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, Muscular dystrophy, cirrhosis of the liver, cornea,and various other symptoms. Deficiency of selenium has been associated with heart attacks Cardiomyopathy and heart rate are not uniform. Signs of selenium deficiency is that when there is "bebintik age" (age spots) and "bebintik liver" (liver spots). Lack of selenium can cause excessive complexity of the fetus, infants, children, adolescents and adults.

Copper is essential for all life. It is a common factor is very useful to the hundreds of 'metal lo enzymes which exist in various forms. It is very important for the fabrication of connective tissue. Disadvantages can weaken blood vessels. This can cause breakageresulting in the collapse of the blood vessels of heart and brain vessels and wind akhmar ('aneurysm and cerebral aneurysm "). Copper or copper has shown its benefits in helping to change the number of fertility hormones. Copper also may prevent rheumatoid arthritis and various other forms of inflammatory disease. Early signs of copper deficiency is a gray hair or loss of original hair color. Albert Einstein died of aneurysmaneurysm and the color of his hair?

Manganese is needed for making bone and muscle tendon. Deficiency causes significant weight loss, slow hair growth and hair color change organizing. The lack of this element has been associated with epilepsy, especially among children. This clearly disadvantages associated central nervous system function.

Chromium nutrition is essential for the metabolism of sugar and fat in the body.

Iodine nutrition to prevent and control the stability "begok" metabolism of all cells in the body.

(Reference: ABC of asthma,Allergies & Lupus by F. Batmanghelidj MD).

FATACID - 1.10%

Total fatty acid important inthe Eucheuma Cottonii is 1.10%. A total of thirty-three of the most important Fatty Acids are identified in this species of seaweed.

51.55% Fatty acids consist ofC20 PUFA, namely Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids 25.17% of saturated Fatty Acids. Among them are Linoleic acid(C18: 2ω6) and Linolenic acid (C18: 3ω3), Arachidonic acid (C20: 4ω6) andEicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (C20: 5ω3).

Among the most Fatty acidderived from Eucheuma Cottonii the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, which amounted to24.98%.

PROTEIN - 9.76%

Eucheuma Cottonii contains all16 Amino Acids important, except Tryptophan is destroyed during the separation process of water molecules in the test. Tryptophan occurs naturally means its value can not be identified due to the process.

Aspartic acid (ASP) - 2.65Glutamic acid (GLU) - 5:17Serine (Wirawan) - 1.92Glycine (gechuanjun) - 2:27Histidine (His) - 0:25Arginine (Arg) - 2.60Threonine (THR) 34 @ - 2:09Alanine (Ala) - 3:14Proline (Pro) - 2:02Thyrosine (Tyr) - 1:01Valine (Val) 35 @ - 2.61Methionine (Met) 25 @ - 0.83Isoleucine (Ile) 28 @ - 2:41Leucine (Leu) 66 @ - 3:37Phenylalanine (Phe) - 6319.07Lysine (Lys) 58 @ - 1:45


Eucheuma Cottonii compared with other plants in the ground, it is recognized as a food fair successor oxide by the community of scientists. Thus, the 'Queen of All Foods"This should be our pride, not to mention nutrition and nutrient content of Eucheuma Cottonii very complete and very compatible with the human body. It is fair food should be ineach house of the people of Malaysia.

About Seaweed

Seaweed was 1st discovered for its medical and nutritional values 2000 years ago.
Described as ‘the perpetual balanced natural food’ the goodness of seaweed subsequently found its way to Japan and Korea.

Seaweed can maintain Acid/Base homeostasis in circulation and lymphatic system.
It also prevent Cardiovascular, Bony and mental ailments, for example memory loss and depression.
It further helps to reduce blood sugar level and control High Blood Pressure.
Fucoidan and retinol in seaweed has anti-cancer and anit-viral properties.
While Fucosterol reduces cholesterol by loss of bile acid, thereby prevent arteriosclerosis.
Seaweed contains essentials nutrients and can act as nutritional supplements for vegetarians and also helps to alleviate post menopausal symptoms.

Seaweed is an Antibiotic by nature, hence is effective in lowering blood sugar levels and controlling insulin levels in the blood stream.
Rumpai Laut telah dijumpai 2000 tahun yang lalu yang merupakan ratu segala makananan.
Ia sangat kaya dengan enzim dan mineral semulajadi.
Digambarkan sebagai "makanan alami abadi seimbang 'kebaikan rumpai laut kemudian berkembang ke Jepun dan Korea.
Rumpai laut mengandung nutrisi penting dan boleh bertindak sebagai suplemen gizi untuk vegetarian dan juga membantu mengurangkan gejala pasca menopause.

Rumpai Laut adalah antibiotik semulajadi alam, maka efektif dalam menurunkan kadar gula darah dan mengawal tahap insulin dalam aliran darah.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Membuat, membekal, mengedar dan menjual produk yang berkualiti tinggi dengan harga yang berpatutan mengikut pasaran semasa.

Memahami keperluan pengguna dengan memastikan mutu produk adalah terjamin.


Making, supplying, distributing and selling high quality products with reasonable price according to the current market.

Understanding the needs of consumers by ensuring product quality is guaranteed.

Pengenalan / Introduction

Syarikat telah didaftarkan dibawah Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (Companies Commision Of Malaysia ) atas nama MIRACLE OCEAN ENTERPRISE pada 7hb Jun 2010.

Berfungsi dalam membuat, membekal, mengedar dan menjual produk berasaskan laut dan hidupan semulajadi.

The Company has registered under the Companies Commission of Malaysia (Companies Commision Of Malaysia) in the name of MIRACLE OCEAN ENTERPRISE on 7th June 2010.

Engaged in the manufacture, supply, distribute and sell products based on marine and natural life.